Lying in bed eyes open just waiting for the little one to call out for someone...anyone to come get him. I hear him in there kicking his feet against the mattress. I hear him flipping from side to side so I know wake up time is just a minute or two (if I am lucky) away. I have this down to a science, he kicks then he flips for no more than a few minutes then he lays on his back and calls for someone to come get him.
Yes I am blessed in the fact that he doesn't wander around, he lays in his bed until someone comes into his room to get him. I don't know how much longer that will last but right now it is one less thing I worry about.
This morning I was pleasantly greeted with a chipper little boy saying "Mommy, Daddy come get me... Mommy or Daddy... someone come get me." The next thing I hear that just brought a smile to my face was "Mommy, Daddy come get me I have a surprise for you. I have a joke to tell you!"
Of course when I got to his room and opened the door he said "Mommy I have a joke to tell you."
And he did.
"Why did the chicken cross the living room?"
Go on I will give you second to think about it.
Are you ready?
"To go outside!"
And the laughter ensued!
I love mornings like this, I know there won't be any like this when he is older so I try to take advantage of that few minutes before I hear the words "Let's go have breakfast".
4 hours ago
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