Oh the weather around here was beautiful yesterday. If it didn't hit 60 degrees it was pretty darn close.
Little one begged for a picnic lunch. He did not care what the lunch was, all he wanted was to eat outside.
Since the ground was too still to wet and muddy to actually throw down a blanket and sit down on it, I scrubbed off the table and chairs that has been sitting out all winter.
I made lunch and outside we went.
The sun was shining, the sky was a pretty blue, the birds were out flying around and doing a lot of chatting to each other. Little one decided that if any bugs came around, I was not allowed to shoo them away. He had a plan!
He was going to feed the bugs that came around. He just knew they would be hungry and he wanted to share his lunch with them. This is not a good sign of future picnics. You see right behind our house is an old farm. They don't have much animals there anymore other than dogs and a few horses but during the summer months those few animals being so nearby cause us to have lots of flies when we try to eat outside.
If it is one thing I hate about eating outdoors is the flies.
I hope that by the next nice day he will have forgotten all about wanting to feed the bugs because I don't think I could just sit and let the bugs join us.
2 hours ago
1 comment:
I wish the weather was nice enough for a picnic. :-(
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