This is Zack's second season in soccer. He is doing so well this season. First and foremost his attitude has gotten so much better. He encourages his teammates, he (for the most part) listens to everything his coach tells him and he tries. He does not wait until the ball comes to him, he goes after it. If the other team has the ball close to his goal, he will do what needs to be done to protect that goal.
On Saturday we arrived at the fields. He did a bit of practice before the game was to start. When his coach gathered them around for the pep talk, I over heard him tell his coach he was not feeling well. This was not a good thing to hear considering only 5 kids showed up for the game :(
Each of those 5 kids had to play the entire game. They only had a 5 minute break for halftime. Well 1 little girl had another break because she was stung while playing. When the game ended Zack was tired. He had been running his little heart out. He played so well and he scored his first goal. He clapped a bit but the excitement was just not there. I know it is was because he was not feeling well.
When we left he asked if he could eat lunch then go rest. My child never wants to rest. By the time we reached home he was telling me he had to throw up. Thankfully he did not. After eating a half piece of toast, he laid down in bed and fell asleep within 2 minutes. When he woke up 2 hours later he felt much better. It just made me realize he played hard out on that field even though he did not feel well. He is growing up.
Last night he had another game and he was doing well. He just missed out on two goals. One the ball went just right of the goal. He did not let himself get upset over it though. He got back out there and tried again. The second one I know disappointed him a bit but he kept on playing. You see we all thought it was going in but it hit the goal post and went out.
He is growing up and not only learning the rules of the game but he is learning how to carry on through all the things that life has to throw at him.
1 hour ago
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