Tonight has had a little bit of everything in it.
The good:
I went to Target tonight. Kris took Zack with him to run a few errands. Armed with my coupons and vague list of what I wanted to get I roamed the aisles. I came home with $95 worth of stuff and I only paid $30.77. I also came home with a $5 gift card.
The Bad:
I decided to make chicken fajitas for dinner. I baked my chicken earlier and sliced it up. When Kris came home from work I caramelized a whole onion, added the chicken to the pan, put in the spices, added a bit of water. I turned around and decided to put the dishes away while the chicken heated up. I went to put away a juice sized glass and hit the cabinet door (which I failed to open completely). The glass shattered into hundreds of pieces (I am amazed it didn't slice open my hand). Pieces of glass everywhere!
I didn't have a cover on the pan of chicken and with all the hundreds of teeny tiny pieces we could not take a chance of eating it so in the trash it went and out to a sandwich shop we went.
The Heartbreaking:
I told Zack today he was going to stay at Grandmas house tomorrow night. All day he has been super excited. He has been telling me all things he is going to do at Grandmas house.
* I am already feeling sad about him not being with me but I need a break and I think he does too.
Tonight I get him ready for bed, we read a book, say prayers and we have our few minutes of cuddle time (we do this every night). As I am telling him how much I love him, he bust out into tears. A few minutes go by before he could tell me what was wrong. My heart broke! "I am going to miss you, you need to stay with me Mommy!" I feel so bad.
1 hour ago
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