Our garden is having its ups and downs here lately. I just don't get it. We have one raised bed and then one we just planted some stuff in the ground. Honestly we did not expect anything to grow in the ground because we don't actually have dirt here. No in our little corner of the world we have that nasty red clay. If you are not familiar with red clay let me just say this stuff is as hard as a rock and once you get it on anything it stains. Yes my poor little man has stained feet and yes I do scrub him but this stuff does not come out. Get it on your clothes and you can forget about every getting them clean again.
Getting back on track with the garden.
We planted tomato plants. They are all doing well, still not ready to pick yet but they are getting there.
My poor pepper plants (in the raised bed) are just not doing well at all. I have one pepper that is not nearly growing like it should.
My peas are dying off but I was able to pick many pods off for dinner tonight.
My green beans are still holding on but not quite ready to pick yet.
The onions are doing alright but again not even close to picking time yet.
The summer squash has been eaten and we have given some away. Everyone said it was good. I tried my hardest to choke a piece down when I grilled some up last weekend but I just could not get it down.
I picked some lettuce tonight for our salads and my goodness that was some tart stuff! We ate it anyway.
The cantaloupe is just taking over everything. It feels like every day I am having to untangle it from where ever it has crept over night. On a good note we do have two small ones growing and several buds that are getting ready to grow. Zack is waiting patiently for them to grow he loves cantaloupe.
Let me conclude this with a piece of advice for any parent that has a little one who dislikes/hates peas. Plant a few pea plants and let them taste then straight from the garden. Zack stood there in the garden tonight asking for more. They were nice and sweet so I just cut them up and put them in our salads.
1 hour ago
1 comment:
I think growing a garden is such a great learning experience for our kids, don't you?!
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