We put some stuff together and participated in a yard sale held at a local church. We mostly had some baby clothes out there and we did not do half bad for what we had.
Fortunately Kris is willing to help out now and then :) because Friday I started feeling a bit yucky. Major headache all day, light headed, and of course by that night I could not stay away from the bathroom. So by the time 5:30 am rolled around I just couldn't go. Kris went on without me to allow me a bit more time to sleep it off.
When I got there I was still not feeling so great but better than I had been. We sold some stuff and made a bit of money.
Some guy kept coming back to the table looking at a certain toy. I know while I was there he came back to the table 4 times, he did not buy it. Go figure.
Unfortunately we did not have access to the bathrooms in the church so I wound up driving Zack somewhere to use the restroom. With any luck if they hold the next sale at the same place we will have access to the bathroom.
Oh yeah and shortly after we returned home, Zack was having a hard time staying out of the bathroom so whatever the cause, it was pretty terrible for him. Thankfully we are over it now.
Oh and by the way I refrained from purchasing anything while there! I walked around but didn't let myself get to close to the tables. LOL
2 hours ago
I never have success at yard sales. Always buy up my profits from others sales.
I adore having garage/yard sales-I so would have helped you out with yours!
Glad you made it through!
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