There are some days Zack will eat more than any other child I have ever seen and today was one of those days. I am telling you I fear my grocery bill when he gets older. I think Kris is going to have to get a 3rd job to keep up with him.
For the past few days Zack has been telling me "her". I couldn't figure out what or who he was referring to. Well I figured it out, he is referring to my mother, his grandmother. I have no idea where he picked that up from.
Another baffeling thing he has come up with that I just don't know where he got the idea from is when giving him some "cookies" (vanilla wafers) he asked for milk and indicated he wanted to dunk his cookies. I have not done this and Kris swears he hasn't done it so where does he get it from?
1 hour ago
Hi Leah! Glad I found your blog. Z is growing up so fast!
YEAH! Another blogger! Love the post too. Ruthie loves to dunk, but she did learn it from Daddy. apbu
WOW! Great blog. Z is getting big. Off to go dunk cookies in milk LOL!
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