On Sunday we chilled out during the morning then after lunch we got ready to go to an egg hunt. The local parks and rec put out 4,000 eggs and the kids collect them all in a matter of 5 minutes.
Zack was running around with a friend when we got there but once they told the kids to line up by the fence, the game was on! He was ready to run.
He collected a fair amount of eggs and could not wait to start opening them and seeing all the goodies he collected. Why do kids get so excited over stickers and temporary tattoos? We turn the eggs back in after opening everything so they can fill them again for next year. It helps save them some money and it is less stuff that will wind up on my living room floor.
When we got home from that Kris took Zack to the paintball field for a while. I just knew he would come home covered in mud, that is the only reason he goes to the field with Kris. Yup, he did not disappoint, he came home dirty. That kid loves playing in the dirt and mud. It was Zack's turn to pick where we were eating dinner that night. Why is it that when you try to guide him into making a better pick he gets one place stuck in his brain and that is where you have to go? I really wanted to go to a Mexican place but he was insisting we go to Wendy's and since I had already promised him he could choose, I had to suck it up and go to Wendy's.
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