Zack loves to play with water. He still loves to play with his water table, he loves going to the beach, and he loves to play squirters (that is what he calls water guns). In the dead of winter he asks to have squirter fights. I feel like I am always explaining to him that it is to cold out so I came up with a plan. It has to be 80 degrees outside to be able to get the squirters out.
Since this plan went into effect, Zack watches the weather man every morning and waits patiently to see if the number 80 appears anywhere on the screen. Well today he was super excited to see it. That is all he talked about on the way to school.
When I picked him up we made a plan. We are evil little planners.
We had the squirters filled and ready to go so when we saw Kris pull in the driveway we ran out the door and hid behind my truck. We waited. Every couple of seconds Zack would stand up and try to sneak a peak to see if Kris was out of the car yet. Once Kris got out of his car, Zack and I jumped up and ambushed him! My manly man husband let out a roar when that cold water hit him! My innocent little boy couldn't seem to hit his target because he was laughing so much so I just had to pick up the slack for him :)
Kris was a little wet when we let him into the house but thankfully he was a good sport about it.
Once inside the house Zack walked up to Kris and said "We are the champions of 80 degree squirters". I could not help but laugh.
I do not know why but I have a feeling there is going to be some payback soon.
1 hour ago
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