Does it make me a bad mom that I let my four year old stay up last night two full hours after his bed time just so he could bombard his father with pre-made snow balls when he got out of his car?
Does it make me a bad mom that I let my four year old stay up last night two full hours after his bed time just so he could have a good snow ball fight in the dark with his dad?
Does it make me a bad mom that I let my four year old stay up last night two full hours after his bed time just so I could hear him giggle with delight while many other kids in the neighborhood were sound asleep in their beds?
Does it make me a bad mom? According to my son, and I quote, "Mom you are the best Mom EVER."
So there you have it, my heart melted before the snow did.
*BTW I have learned here that the snow can be here on minute, once you turn around it has melted so I wanted to make sure he had his chance to get in a snowball fight with his daddy. You just never know if the snow will still be here in the morning.
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