Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year

I have so much to say but no desire to sit here and write so sometime within the next week I hope to get a few posts in.
For now I will just say I wish you a Happy New Year.

Friday, December 24, 2010


We wish you a very
Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Just a very quick post tonight to say I think I am doing something right with my son.

Today Zack was in his room 'counting' out his pennies from his piggy bank. I was trying to get some stuff done when all of sudden he appeared with his fire hat in his hands. I asked what he had in his hat. He said "Mommy I want to give some money to the boys and girls that don't have enough."

Oh be still my heart. I love this child of mine!

He is always asking to put money in the red buckets when we are out and about. This morning when we were out he asked for some money to put in the red bucket but when we arrived at the store that usually has a red bucket outside there was no-one there. He was disappointed to say the least.

This year we donated a few toys to some families in need and he was happy to be helping Santa make some boys and girls have a better Christmas.

I can only hope he continues to find love in his heart throughout his lifetime and help other people whenever he can.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Breakfast with Santa Claus

The school Zack attends was hosting a breakfast with Santa Claus this morning. I had previously purchased our tickets so when we arrived all I had to do was tell them his name to get the tickets, I hate having to deal with hungry kids waiting for their food so pre-ordering is the way to go for me.

I was pleasantly surprised with the meal, it was pastries, bagels, fruits, yogurt and drinks. We gathered our meal and sat down to eat. One of Zacks classmates came running over to say hello. Once we finished our meals we waited in line to sit with and speak to the jolly old one.

When it was our turn, Zack went right up there and was just chatting away with. I took a few pictures which I will post later on. Once Zack was done, Indigo had her turn. She was obviously talking so low as if whispering because the jolly old one practically had to put his ear to her face just to hear her. I took a few pictures of her, then Zack jumped back over so I could get a picture of both kids with Santa Claus.

When we were leaving I asked Zack what he asked Santa for. He told me he asked for a Pillow Pet, a toy story movie thing (some view master/book thing he saw in the bookstore) and a Wii system. Lord knows I hate to disappoint the kiddo but a Wii is a bit out the question this year.

When I asked Indigo what she asked Santa for, she was a bit less specific. Her response "Toys." I started to laugh, she just wants it all! LOL.

When we left there Kris and Zack dropped me off at home while they went to their 'construction class' at Lowes Hardware. This is the second one they have attended and Zack loves building whatever they are building that day. He was so proud of his project today he couldn't wait to show me when he walked in the door. I was told to close my eyes because he had a surprise to show me. When I was allowed to open my eyes again I was greeted with such a huge smile. It was so sweet!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Stumping Dad.

I have been recording some of the Christmas shows and movies on the DVR for Zack to watch at a time that is more convenient for us. Well last night him and I sat down and watched one of the movies that he has never seen before. He was quiet through the whole movie which is a rare thing for this kid.

This morning he told Kris that we watched the cereal guys movie. Zack has never had the cereal but he has seen the commercial for it.

Of course Kris was stumped. He had a puzzled look on his face and questioned if it was 'The Krispie guys'? A minute or two later Zack gave it away by telling Kris that Fred and Barney was in it and they lived in a rock house.

Yes we watched the Flintstones Christmas. He enjoyed it so much.

I wonder why did they ever take that show off the air? It was one of my favorites as a child.

On the subject of old cartoons, Zack has now watched the Flintstones, the Jetsons, Tom and Jerry, and Daffy Duck. He likes them a lot. So it just tells me the older cartoons that I watched as a child are just as good now as they were then.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Two hours late.

Does it make me a bad mom that I let my four year old stay up last night two full hours after his bed time just so he could be awake when his father came home?

Does it make me a bad mom that I let my four year old stay up last night two full hours after his bed time just so he could bombard his father with pre-made snow balls when he got out of his car?

Does it make me a bad mom that I let my four year old stay up last night two full hours after his bed time just so he could have a good snow ball fight in the dark with his dad?

Does it make me a bad mom that I let my four year old stay up last night two full hours after his bed time just so I could hear him giggle with delight while many other kids in the neighborhood were sound asleep in their beds?

Does it make me a bad mom? According to my son, and I quote, "Mom you are the best Mom EVER."

So there you have it, my heart melted before the snow did.

*BTW I have learned here that the snow can be here on minute, once you turn around it has melted so I wanted to make sure he had his chance to get in a snowball fight with his daddy. You just never know if the snow will still be here in the morning.*Yes, he is in his pajamas and he does not have his boots on either. The original plan was to stay on the porch and throw the snowballs that we had already piled... it did not work out that way.

Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature

Thank you on behalf of my four year old little man. The joy you brought to his face today when he saw those first snow flakes was absolutely wonderful. The smile you brought to his lips when he was trying to catch a snow flake on his tongue was beautiful. The laughter you brought out from his belly was hardy and infectious when he hit me in the head with a snow ball. Thank you Mother Nature for creating snow for my little man to enjoy to the fullest extent.


Zack's Mom.