Last Friday was the year end party for Zacks pre-k class and their families. I was in charge of getting it all together so I had been a bit busy dealing with that. It went well for the most part.
We had to pick the kids up early from school and take them over to the local park. Once at the park all the kids decided to hit the playground, that was so much more important to them then eating their lunch. I went down to the playground to take some pictures and two of my sons classmates were swinging on the swings and repeating over and over again "Shit baby diaper". They thought it was hilarious. I tried to get them to stop but neither one of these little ones listen so well. I did walk over to one of the parents and ask her to say something before the others picked it up. She got it to stop.
After playing they worked up an appetite so we headed under the pavilion to have lunch. We catered in Subway so each child had their own Subway kids meal and the parents, siblings and everyone else had sandwich from the platters. After eating lunch they all made their way down to the playground again. They came back up a little while later for cake. I did not hear it but one of the children who was using the four letter word earlier sat down to eat his cake and told his classmate "touch my cake and I will kick your ass." Oh nice, just what a table full of 5 year olds need to hear! Makes me wonder what my child may or may not have heard on the playground this year.
The assistant teacher had given me a bunch of party hats that she had left over from her daughters birthday party so I came up with an idea of just letting the children decorate the hats with stickers. The kids had fun doing this simple project. I purchased several books of stickers with all different themes so something caught the eye of every child.
Once the party ended and we cleaned up, Zack was feeling a bit frustrated that the big kids in his school had field day and they got to jump in bounce houses and play in water and the little kids did not. So when we got home after he rested for a while, I poured the water from the coolers into a huge bucket and let him play. He played with that water for hours! This child of mine just loves to play in water. Later on he played with a squirt gun, he even had the pleasure of running under the sprinkler. He was loving every second of all that water play.
Once he went to bed, he slept hard. His head hit the pillow and he was out.
I had so much food left over that I warned the teachers that each day the following week I was bring in something for the kids to munch on before they went home.
Monday they each had some yummy sweet watermelon. Messy, messy messy.
Tuesday they went outside and had a nice cold refreshing Popsicle on such a hot and sticky day. Can we say messy?
Wednesday they had some cake and juice. Crumbs were everywhere, talk about messy!
Thursday they were not going outside because of the heat so they had some chips while watching a movie. Messy little creatures these kids are.
Today is Friday and today they will be getting a special treat. A cookie made to look like a graduation hat. Why do I get the feeling they will be messy with that also?
* I did take pictures at the party but I will not post them here because all of the kids were wearing their school reading shirts. The name of our school is on the shirts so for safety reasons I will avoid posting them.
1 hour ago
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