Some cool things have been happening in the land of Zack.
Yesterday was Scout Sunday which means some of the scouts in his Pack attend the church services of the church that allows us use of their facilities. Well Zack had a speaking roll in the services and much to my amazement he did exactly what he was supposed to do and did it very well. Proud of my little man.
Tonight we went to a local a.m. radio station for a tour with the scouts and he was asking questions, was amazed by some of the things the equipment could do and got to speak on air very briefly with the other scouts. He had a blast doing that. One the way home we turned that station on the radio and he about jumped out of the seat when he recognized the dj's voice.
Today was also report card day, he brought home an awesome report card! For that he was rewarded with a trip to his favorite frozen yogurt place.
Next month is the spring concert at school and his grade is performing that night. The music teacher sent home a paper asking if anyone wanted to be considered for certain rolls that would be included in the concert, Zackary asked if he could be one of the few to have a special roll but he did request to have a none speaking part, well he was told today he did get a roll. He was pretty excited about that. So I can not wait to see that!
I am pretty darn proud of my little man, he was once a shy hide behind mommy kid and would not talk to anyone he did not already know. Now he is making a name for himself and becoming more and more confident in the things he does. Love him.
1 hour ago
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